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Airbnb for sale in Garland, TX

Check our updated investment properties for sale in Garland, TX. The real estate deals have been wisely curated by our team for you to achieve a cashflow-positive property investment. Added, investment tips and performance data in Garland, TX.

Airbnb for sale in Garland, TX

My Crucial Tip To Purchase Investment Properties In Garland, TX.

Cities in the Dallas metro do not have a great reputation among Airbnb hosts thanks to the region's restrictive regulations. There have been many big stories about potential policy changes that will ease those restrictions but, so far, these have yet to materialize. This means there is ongoing uncertainty about the situation here. If you are an Airbnb host looking to expand your portfolio in Dallas, we recommend seeking out multi-family zoned communities to avoid the strictest policies and enjoy a little freedom. The reality is that Garland and its surrounding areas are full of attractions, so there is real demand for short-term rentals. Whether for business or tourism reasons, people want to visit and experience the region. If you are prepared to thoroughly research Airbnb properties for sale and work within the regulations, there is potential here. And the competition may be less intense than in some places as many are unwilling to tackle the regulatory landscape. Let us assist with the market research and help you find prospects for investment.

Garland Investment performance and average price

Avg Purchase Price Avg Cap Rate Avg Cash on Cash Return Avg Cash Needed to close
Commercial 5+ units LTR 115k - 135k per door 4.5% - 7.5% 3%-6% (assumes 25% down payment) $35,000 per door
Short Term Rental (SFH) 275k - 350k 6% - 8% 8% - 11% $75,950 (furnished)
STR (2-4 Units) 130k - 175k per door 8% - 9% 9% - 12% $44,750 per door (furnished)
Long Term Rental (2-4 Units) 125k - 165k per door 3% - 5% 2% - 5% $40,150 per door
Long Term Rental (SFH) 250k - 325k 2% - 4% 2% - 4% $62,500
Househack (2-4 Units) 130k - 175k per door n/a n/a $10,920 per door
Househack (SFH) 275k - 350k n/a n/a $16,325

Frequently asked questions

I’m ready to invest, what should be my next step?

Let’s go! We’re excited to work with you. If you haven’t already, please reach out directly and we’ll set up an intro call. During your call we will review your criteria and set up your searches as well as answer any granular questions you might have. You should also reach out to a lender and get started on the loan approval process so we can hit the ground running and start submitting offers. We have several preferred lenders we can introduce you to. Once you have a pre approval, submitting an offer is as easy as texting us the address you want to bid on as well as offer price and we’ll take it from there. We can’t wait to work with you!

Do you personally invest in real estate?

Everybody on our team is an active real estate investor. Victor and his wife purchase several investment properties per year and have no plans to slow down their acquisitions. They have purchased locally as well as out of state, single family, multi family, commercial residential, short term rentals, long term rentals, mid term “travel nurse” rentals and Rent By The Room houses. Anybody you interact with on our team is walking the walk and personally executing on the strategies we’re presenting.

How many clients do you work with?

We cap our Active Investor List at 30 individuals. We found this to be the number of clients we can comfortably service while still maintaining a high touch experience. You will not be just another name on an email list while working with us. You will have Victor and his team opening your file each day to see if we have anything meeting your criteria. Note- since we are a high touch operation we do not chase clients. If a client fails to maintain an active dialogue or if we send several curated deals with no response in return we will be quick to remove that client from our active list so we can dedicate energy and attention to our engaged investors.

Do you work with clients looking for 5+ unit buildings, commercial or retail investors?

YES! You will notice purchase cap rates for larger commercial grade assets INCREASE alongside interest rates. Between 2019 to June 2022 we did very few commercial multi family transactions. As interest rates have risen we’ve noticed more and more opportunity to break into the 5+ unit space at favorable cap rates and have been picking up some excellent inventory.

Can I still find cashflow in Austin, DFW or San Antonio?

Yes, but each market will require a slightly different strategy in order to see positive cashflow. For example- cashflow from a single family home rented out to a long term tenant in Austin is almost impossible given the current rent-to-price ratios, but, cashflow is very possible if you’re willing to use more esoteric management strategies such as Rent By The Room or Short Term Rentals. Conversely- we can pretty easily find a recently built single family home in a good area that will cashflow positive in San Antonio. We can discuss what mix of asset type, location and management strategy will be the best fit for your goals.

I’m out of state- can you still help me?

YES. The majority of our investors are actually not local to the market they are buying in. We’ve set up systems to service your demographic such as video walkthroughs, mobile notary signing services, all electronic docs, property management contacts and a rolodex of service providers to help make your OOS deal a success. You’ll never need to leave your couch.

How many people are on your team? Will I work with you directly?

There are 6 full time team members as well as a small army of contractors that support us with showings, video walk throughs and key pickup/ dropoff. 3 full time investor agents, an analyst, closing coordinator and assistant. You will work directly with Victor especially during the first phase of the buying process as we define your strategy and work to get your deal under contract. Once under contract our closing coordinator will handle most of your backend paperwork

Positive Cashflow in Appreciating Markets

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